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To promote the shift from Fee For Service (FFS), CMS will be offering for CPC+ participants Comprehensive Primary Care Payments (CPCP), while at the same time, reducing FFS payments.(2) Typically CPCP payment amounts should be larger than the FFS payment amounts. CPCP payments will include a non-visit-based, monthly case management fee (CMF) and paying performance-based incentive payments (PBIP) for participants that meet or exceed annual performance thresholds.(2) This effort to improve quality, access, and efficiency of primary care spotlights key CPCP functions. CMS believes that these payment structures will change the way practices deliver care and will shift focus to (1)

Round 2 of their Comprehensive Primary Care Plus (CPC+) program.(1) Currently, CPC+ has 54 aligned payers in 14 regions, which encompasses close to 3,000 primary care practices of varying sizes and structures. In support of delivering comprehensive primary care, CPC+ is a payment redesign that offers the financial resources and flexibility practices need to make investments that will improve primary care and increase revenue.

Treatment plans, therefore, need to provide both immediate relief and long-term planning. A many-pronged approach is the most effective way to treat Fibromyalgia patients in Primary Care. A strong foundation begins with patient education. Afterwards, physicians can start the process of finding the right combination of self-management and medical intervention that will work for their patient. This is a time consuming process and not all practices are equipped to invest these resources.This is where ccp comes into play. Through partnership with Connect Care Plus, a leading ccp coordination provider, physicians can be confident that their patients are receiving the education

The most common symptom of Fibromyalgia is pain. This pain can be dull and achy, or acute and sudden. The pain can occur in any part of the body and often begins without an outside cause. While many people experience muscle pain, others experience joint pain, and some experience both. Levels of pain and areas that are affected can change throughout a person’s life.(7) Most patients experience flares, or times when symptoms increase. Some patients experience periods of “remission,” or times when the symptoms are barely noticeable, but these intervals are rare. Therefore, pain management is essential to any

Fibromyalgia is a functional pain syndrome. In other words, the body amplifies ordinary sensations as pain. Since there is no known organic cause, researchers are unsure if Fibromyalgia is a singular disorder, or if it is a collection of similar diseases categorized under one umbrella.(2) As such, there is no real consensus in the medical community regarding diagnosis or treatment. Despite breakthroughs in identifying biomarkers and documenting impacts of the disease on the nervous system, there is no verified diagnostic test or medical intervention.(3) (4) Because of this, a diagnosis of Fibromyalgia comes with an unclear treatment path.Without an

Fibromyalgia is a complex chronic pain syndrome that affects up to five percent of the American population. Common symptoms include muscle and joint pain, stiffness, fatigue, headaches, and irregular sleep patterns. The syndrome primarily occurs in young and middle-aged women, but men and children develop the illness as well. Diagnosis is also high among people with existing chronic illnesses. Although the majority of Fibromyalgia patients in Primary Care are women, they come from all backgrounds and span all ages.Unfortunately, the cause of Fibromyalgia is unknown. This ambiguity presents a challenge to traditional primary care settings.(1) Therefore, it is extremely important

As CMS increases its efforts to shift from fee-for-service models of payment to value-based care, membership in new programs, like ACOs, is essential to remaining a viable, Medicare provider. Connect Care Plus is positioned to help healthcare groups integrate these programs into their practices. ccp increases medication adherence, provides connections to social services, and increases appointment compliance. All three of these services are components of CMS’s evaluations of ACO success. By collaborating with Connect Care Plus, ACOs can quickly, and cost-effectively, provide their patients with high quality chronic care management they need.significant number of older Americans avoid getting the shot