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CPC+ Round 2 Changes

To promote the shift from Fee For Service (FFS), CMS will be offering for CPC+ participants Comprehensive Primary Care Payments (CPCP), while at the same time, reducing FFS payments.(2) Typically CPCP payment amounts should be larger than the FFS payment amounts. CPCP payments will include a non-visit-based, monthly case management fee (CMF) and paying performance-based incentive payments (PBIP) for participants that meet or exceed annual performance thresholds.(2)

This effort to improve quality, access, and efficiency of primary care spotlights key CPCP functions. CMS believes that these payment structures will change the way practices deliver care and will shift focus to (1) Access and Continuity; (2) Care Management; (3) Comprehensiveness and Coordination; (4) Patient and Caregiver Engagement; and (5) Planned Care and Population Health.(1) Track 2 will also increase Information Technology requirements, which includes a letter from a supporting technology vendor such as Connect Care Plus.

As with Track 1, CPC+ cannot be combined with Chronic Care Management (ccp), which encompasses CPT Codes 99490, 99487, and 99489.

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