+ (123) 1800-453-1546
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About us.

Connect Care + is a company equipped wtih highly experienced nurses, social workers, and community clinician partnerships, that aim to bridge many of the gaps that exist in healthcare system. We build relationships based on trust, We beleivethat the increase influence of  the psycho-social impact is often greater than the medical disease impact. Sixty percent (60%) of calls to member services occur before health care is rendered. Business Services Solutions offers a Connect Care + Program the opportunity for engagement and the ability to influence care during the “risk” phase prior to conversion to “high-risk” by assisting with community resources that often overshadow the importance of health care.


Partnering for a better tomorrow. Our vision includes each individual, leveraging innovative technology capabilities, and data insights to deliver personalized care and resources in the community. Building partnerships with the patient and communities improves patient outcomes. We plan to simplify the patient experience and place the community as the center for resources. Our motto “bring health care to the patient”.


Innovate partnerships in the patient community. Connect Care Plus will be the partner across all health care.


  • Person-Centered Health–Innovate partnerships in the patient community. Connect Care Plus will be the partner across all health care.
  • Digital Technology–Use of technology to provide insight into the care that best meets the needs of the patient through telehealth or at-home care. We support and advocate for patients navigating the healthcare system.
  • Partnerships–Establish a strong community presence with relationships with local businesses and health establishments in the community.

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Learn how Connect Care Plus helps patients better manage chronic conditions