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Fibromyalgia Patients: Providing Resources

Treatment plans, therefore, need to provide both immediate relief and long-term planning. A many-pronged approach is the most effective way to treat Fibromyalgia patients in Primary Care. A strong foundation begins with patient education. Afterwards, physicians can start the process of finding the right combination of self-management and medical intervention that will work for their patient. This is a time consuming process and not all practices are equipped to invest these resources.
This is where ccp comes into play. Through partnership with Connect Care Plus, a leading ccp coordination provider, physicians can be confident that their patients are receiving the education and guidance they need. Care coordinators, in conjunction with physicians, create care plans for each patient. They track medication compliance, symptoms, and exercise regimens. In addition, care coordinators help participants keep track of their multiple doctors’ appointments and referrals. This added service enhances treatment effectiveness, which is a difficult process for both patients and physicians. In short, Fibromyalgia patients in Primary Care settings greatly benefit from the assistance that care coordination offers. Providing this service, through Connect Care Plus, adds substantial value to Fibromyalgia patient care.

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